
kè tīng bìng


1、 发性克汀病,为先天性甲状腺发育不全或某些酶缺陷使甲状腺激素合成不足,主要表现为智力和身体发育障碍、身体异常矮小、痴呆、反应迟钝、怕冷、活动少、常伴聋哑,基础代谢率低。

Weigh slow-witted ailment. Congenital thyroid function is low of be caused by short and gawkish. Can send dispersedly gender and local: ① sends a gender to capture lowing affection, make for congenital thyroid depauperate or certain enzymatic blemish thyroid hormone synthesizes inadequacy, main show is intelligence and body development obstacle, body unusually short, gawkish, unresponsive, be afraid of cold, activity little, constant companion is deaf-mute, basal metabolis rate is low. ② captures lowing affection locally, the fetal thyroid gland that is short of iodine to cause for the mother's body is depauperate, basically happen in the area is short of iodine of strumous popularity. Clinical symptom divides some patients relatively send out sexual patient illness is more serious outside, wait for a respect in barrier of intellective and low, language especially more apparent. Disease of local Ke Ting is like as soon as possible to undertake casting iodic precaution, can have positive precautionary effect.

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