
zhēng liú jiǔ

蒸馏酒:(Distilled Liquor)蒸馏酒是乙醇浓度高于原发酵产物的各种酒精饮料。


Contain the ferments get after distill of classics wining with dregs wine of starch or brew of sacchariferous raw material. General alcohol content is higher, wait like liquor, brandy, wine precision often is 35 ~ 45 degrees, tall person can amount to 60 degrees of above. After this kind of wine yields, need normally via be being deposited for a long time, general 2 ~ 3 years, even 8 ~ 15 years, make its produce after ripening. Ripe after during, wine ferments by-product is like aldehyde mediumly kind, mellow kind, organic acid kind wait for corporeal interaction, generate the ester that has sweet smell kind wait for composition. The former wine after distillation condensation has those who differ is sweet model with breed.

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