shēng lǐ máng diǎn cè dìng
生理盲点测定:(Physiological Blind Spot Determination)生理性盲点,通常是指视盘区域。
Break one of target of state of nutrition of A of human body vitamin. Mark is inspected with threshold value when determining in line of path of Nie side level 15 ° are in quiet place to appear make an appointment with 1s, believe firmly look getting check did not see backward 8 direction are radiative and mobile inspect mark, the record arrives from sightless area the node of visible area, of 8 node connect a line namely physiology scotoma limits. The basis measures the volume that gets physiology scotoma range, judge the level of A of the vitamin inside body. Be like vitamin A supply deficiency, physiology scotoma expands. Right now if give large dose vitamin A, criterion 24h can narrow to normal limits.
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关注 · 110生理盲点测定(Physiological Blind Spot Determination)简介:生理性盲点,通常是指视盘区域。...
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