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铜盆鱼:(Genuine Porgy Pagrosomus Ma-Jor)铜盆鱼是真鲷鱼的俗称,是中外驰名的观赏鱼。
1、铜盆鱼,脊索动物门,脊椎动物亚门,属硬骨鱼纲,鲈形目,鲷科,真鲷属的一种鱼。真鲷鱼两侧臼齿2行,体红色。红加吉。后鼻孔椭圆形。体扁平椭园形。背鳍12棘10软条,臀鳍3棘8软条,侧线鳞娄53-59,尾鳍边缘黑色。 2、铜盆鱼肉含有大量的蛋白质,每百克可食部含蛋白质19.3克,脂肪4.1克,味道特别鲜美,素有“海鸡”之称。真鲷鱼体色鲜红,日本称红加吉,我国南方沿海又称为加腊鱼,有吉祥喜庆之兆;兼具观赏性和食用性。
Copper basin fish, chordate, vertebrate subphylum, belonging to the class Sclerocephala, Perciformes, Sparidae, and a fish of the genus Sparus. Two rows of molars on both sides of red snapper. Hongjiaji. The back nostril is oval. The body is flat and elliptical. The dorsal fin has 12 spines and 10 soft strips, the anal fin has 3 spines and 8 soft strips, the lateral squama is 53-59, and the tail fin edge is black.
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关注 · 99铜盆鱼(Genuine Porgy Pagrosomus Ma-Jor)简介:铜盆鱼是真鲷鱼的俗称,是中外驰名的观赏鱼。...
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