gān jú lèi shuǐ guǒ
柑橘类水果:(Citrus Fruits)脐橙、柑橘等水果。
It is mainly fresh fruit. The cloud fragrant family is the fruit of evergreen shrubs or small trees, including four subfamilies of orange, orange, orange and pomelo. Orange includes sweet orange, Xinhui orange, etc; Citrus includes mandarin, satsuma and chaochuan; Orange includes honey orange, yellow rock orange, tribute orange, kumquat, etc; Grapefruit includes sweet pomelo, grapefruit, etc.
单细胞蛋白(Single Cell Protein,Scp)简介:用许多工农业废料及石油废料人工培养的微生物菌体。...
关注 · 101条件必需氨基酸(Conditionally Essen-Tial Amino Acid)简介:人体虽能够合成但不能满足正常需要的氨基酸。...
关注 · 118阿马道里重排(Amadori Rearrange-Ment)简介:葡糖胺重排反应。...
关注 · 95限制氨基酸(Limiting Amino Acid)简介:指食物蛋白质中必需氨基酸。...
关注 · 105人体测量(Anthropometric Measure-Ments)简介:人体形态测量是体育测量内容之一。...
关注 · 58蛋白酶体(Proteasome)简介:存在真核生物和古菌中的物质。...
关注 · 129柑橘类水果(Citrus Fruits)简介:脐橙、柑橘等水果。...
关注 · 173发育商(Development Quotient,Dq)简介:衡量婴幼儿心智的发展水平指标。...
关注 · 110