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核糖核酸:(Ribonucleic Acid,Rna)RNA由核糖核苷酸组成,也就是说核糖核酸就是RNA。
A kind of nucleic acid. Pass 3 ′ by nucleotide acid, 5 ′ - phosphoric acid what 2 ester key joins and become is much get together body. Do not differ with phyletic RNA chain length, the biology function with sundry exercise, if participate in the RNA of protein biosynthesis to have messenger RNA, move RNA and ribosome RNA; The RNA that concerns with the treatment after transcribe has small RNA of nuclear small RNA, nucleolus; The RNA that concerns with biology adjusting control has small RNA, interference small RNA to wait.
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关注 · 179核糖核酸(Ribonucleic Acid,Rna)简介:RNA由核糖核苷酸组成,也就是说核糖核酸就是RNA。...
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