tóng wèi sù
Have same atomic number, but quality number is different, i.e. neutron counts a group of different nuclide. Include to stabilize isotropy and radio isotope. The isotope that do not happen or produces radioactivity disintegration extremely not easily calls stable isotope, usable mass spectrograph detects. The isotope that produces radioactivity disintegration weighs a radio isotope, can detect with the instrument that measures its radiate wave. Isotropy mingles biology material in, usable will track this material metabolization inside body.
多环芳烃(Polycylic Aromatic Hy-Drocarbons,Pahs)简介:指含两个或两个以上苯环的芳烃,简称PAHs。...
关注 · 147回归系数(Regression Coefficient)简介:回归方程中表示自变量x对因变量y影响大小的参数。...
关注 · 177植物蛋白(Plant Protein)简介:一种来源于植物的蛋白质。...
关注 · 183毒性(Toxicity)简介:外源化学物在一定条件下损伤生物体的能力。...
关注 · 146精胺(Spermine)简介:含有两个氨基和两个亚氨基的多胺类物质。...
关注 · 67焦谷氨酸(Pyroglutamic Acid)简介:一种无色结晶,溶于水的有机物。...
关注 · 172同位素(Isotope)简介:质子数相同中子数不同的同一元素的不同核素。...
关注 · 70标准误(Standard Error,Se)简介:样本平均数的标准差。...
关注 · 179