zhí wù dàn bái
植物蛋白:(Plant Protein)一种来源于植物的蛋白质。
1、物中所含的蛋白质。大多数植物蛋白质营养价值较低,但各种食物蛋白质的氨基酸构成比例不同,如将两种或多种营养价值较低的植物蛋白按适当比例混合食用,就可有取长补短、互相补充的作用。例如一般豆类蛋白质缺少含硫氨基酸而富含赖氨酸,但大多数谷类蛋白质与此相反。如果将谷类与豆类混合食用,两者的蛋白质互相补充,可提高营养价值。 2、植物蛋白是人类膳食蛋白质的重要来源。谷类一般含蛋白质6%-10%,不过其中所含必需氨基酸种类不完全。薯类含蛋白质2%-3%。某些坚果类如花生、核桃、杏仁和莲子等则含有较高的蛋白质(15%-30%)。豆科植物如某些干豆类的蛋白质含量可高达40%左右。
What what contain in content is protein. Value of nutrition of most vegetable protein is inferior, but the amino acid of all sorts of food protein forms scale to differ, be like will two plant or the vegetable protein with a variety of nutrition inferior value mixes edible by proper scale, can have learn from others's strong points to offset one's weakness, mutual additional action. Exemple if general legume protein is lacked,contain sulfur amino acerbity and contain a lot oflysine, but most corn protein and this is contrary. If mix corn and legume edible, both protein complements each other, can increase nutrient value.
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