dān yīn sù fāng chà fèn xī
单因素方差分析:(One-Way Analysis of Variance)数学中常用的数据统计和分析的方法。
Call completely random design data variance analysis. Compare the method of a kind of statistic of level of the difference between numerical value. research the object distributes an element randomly go in many levels, by a certain research the different water of the element deuces group, whether does the difference between each groups of average below more different level have statistical sense. This analysis method applies to what to only factor many independent example all are worth to compare, each groups all are counted should come from normal school and the data with neat variance. Observe the same nutriment of different dosage for example, grow to the animal the influence research of development can use this method. Refer to " variance analysis of data of completely random design " .
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