shuǐ fèn huó dù
水分活度:(Water Activity)一种食品的平衡蒸气压与相同温度下纯水的饱和蒸气压的比值。
The water in content leaves the specific value of the vapor pressure of the vapor pressure of generation and pure water in same temperature. Proper moisture vigor is controlled to have important sense to extending time of its keep in storage in food treatment process. Most bacterium divides vigor in water under all cannot grow in the food of 0.9; Yeast divides vigor in water under cannot grow in the food of 0.85; Mould divides vigor in water under cannot grow in the food of 0.7. The moisture vigor of dehydration food under 0.6, be helpful for restraining microbial growth to breed.
乌蔹莓(Cayratia japonica)简介:一种中药材,葡萄科乌蔹莓属植物。...
关注 · 135鲨烯(Squalene)简介:一种开链三萜类化合物。...
关注 · 173椰丝(Shreds of Coconut)简介:椰子的果肉加工成的食品。...
关注 · 53牙鲆(Bastard Halibut Paralichthys Oli-Vaceus)简介:牙鲆在中国俗称牙片、是名贵的海产鱼类,又是重要的海水增养殖鱼类之一。...
关注 · 153乌青鱼(Black Carp)简介:乌青鱼又名黑鲩,就说俗称的青鱼。...
关注 · 148丙酮(Acetone)简介:一种无色透明液体,又名二甲基酮,分子式为C3H6O。...
关注 · 85水分活度(Water Activity)简介:一种食品的平衡蒸气压与相同温度下纯水的饱和蒸气压的比值。...
关注 · 145实验动物饲料(Experiment Animal Di-Et)简介:了保证实验动物合理营养、维持动物健康而专用配制的饲料。...
关注 · 55