tiān dōng xiān àn
天冬酰胺:(Asparagines,Asn)天门冬酰胺是一种药物,适用症状为降血压,扩张支气管, 抗消化性溃疡及胃功能障碍。
Renown: 2- amino - amine of 4- carboxyl fourth acyl. A kind of fat is adipose a group of things with common features polarity α - amino acid, it is the acyl amine of acid of day winter ammonia. Amine of acyl of L- day winter is the encode in protein synthesis amino acid, mammal is not indispensible and amino acid and raw sugar amino acid. In element of A of peptide of short bacili of consist in of amine of acyl of D- day winter. Symbol: N.
乳粉(Milk Powder)简介:用冷冻或加热的方法,除去乳中几乎全部的水分,干燥后而成粉末。...
关注 · 131嘌呤核苷酸循环(Purine Nucleotide Cy-Cle)简介:嘌呤核苷酸循环指骨骼肌和心肌中存在的一种氨基酸脱氨基作用方式,即转氨耦联AMP循环脱氨作用。...
关注 · 165异构体(Isomers)简介:将分子式相同、结构不同的化合物互称同分异构体,也称为结构异构体。...
关注 · 115软水(Soft Water)简介:不含或含较少可溶性钙、镁化合物的水。...
关注 · 141鲜蛋(Fresh Egg)简介:新鲜的鸡蛋。...
关注 · 125磷酸化(Phosphorylation)简介:磷酸基团加在代谢产物上或蛋白质上的过程。...
关注 · 186天冬酰胺(Asparagines,Asn)简介:天门冬酰胺是一种药物,适用症状为降血压,扩张支气管, 抗消化性溃疡及胃功能障碍。...
关注 · 174谷氨酸钠(Sodium Glutamate,Mon-Osodium Glutamate)简介:味精的主要成分。...
关注 · 54