zhōng guó yíng yǎng xué huì
中国营养学会:(Chinese Nutrition so-Ciety,Cns)学术性和非营利性的社会组织。
Chinese nutrition society is the national professional learned society that comprises by Chinese nutrition Scientists and Technologists; It is the component of association of Chinese science and technology; It is the important society power that expands career of science and technology of our country nutrition; It is the bridge of party and Scientists and Technologists of nutrition of governmental connection our country and ligament. Chinese nutrition learns to be founded at waiting by 10 thousand Xin, Zheng Ji 1945, merged into 1950 physiology division society, learned cent to go out from physiology division 1981, resume a session is Chinese nutrition to learn. Election Shen Zhiping is director of the first council, gu Jingfan holds the post of secretary-general. Chinese nutrition learns to joined union of international nutrition science 1984, joined Asian nutrition to learn federation 1985. Chinese nutrition society is changed 4 every years, represent election board by countrywide member, by board vote standing director reachs institutional leader. Committee of dry job of the if below council undertakes each concerned business, establish a certain number of professional branch, develop academic activity. Had established have: Branch of branch of nutrition of women and children, microelement nutrition branch, communal nutrition branch, senile nutrition branch, clinical nutrition branch, special nutrition, . The main task that Chinese nutrition masters is: Drive nutrient science to study the work, begin nutrient science knowledge to popularize the job and social servive routine. Made " mix south forefinger of Chinese dweller board balance prandial pagoda " ; Rolled out " Chinese dweller is prandial nutriment reference intake " ; Published " whole book of Chinese nutrition science " ; Established " fund of scientific research of nutrition of Chinese nutrition society " reach " award of science and technology of Chinese nutrition society " . Chinese nutrition learns and long-term cooperation editor published martial academy of medical sciences " nutrient journal " , in have far-reaching effect domestic and internationally. Activity of multinomial popular science was developed in the whole nation, extensive conduct propaganda balances prandial and reasonable nutrition, suffer former Ministry of Public Health to entrust, assume and finished " national nutrition byelaw " the job that draft. With many places institutional collaboration began nutrient division groom pilot job, in Chinese division assist insist to begin science and technology to help deficient work below the leader. Chinese division assist the epigraph of chairman of Zhou Guang call together " improve nutrition of the whole people, stimulative people is healthy " the struggling target that pointed out Chinese nutrition learns.
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