píng yí de dìng yì
平移的定义:(Definition of translation)将物件的每点向同一方向移动相同距离。
平移,是指在同一平面内,将一个图形上的所有点都按照某个直线方向做相同距离的移动,这样的图形运动叫做图形的平移运动。图形经过平移,对应线段相等,对应角相等,对应点所连的线段相等。 它是等距同构,是仿射空间中仿射变换的一种。 平移的特征: 1、平移前后图形的形状、大小不变,只是位置发生改变。 2、新图形与原图形的对应点所连的线段平行且相等(或在同一直线上)。 3、新图形与原图形的对应线段平行且相等,对应角相等。
Translation refers to the movement of all points on a figure by the same distance in a straight line direction in the same plane. Such graphic movement is called the translation of a figure. After the graph is translated, the corresponding line segments are equal, the corresponding angles are equal, and the line segments connected to the corresponding points are equal. It is isometric isomorphism and a kind of affine transformation in affine space.
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