
lèi hú luó bo sù

类胡萝卜素:(Carotenoid)一类重要的天然色素的总称, 普遍存在于动物、高等植物、真菌、藻类的黄色、橙红色或红色的色素之中。


Chain certificate or cricoid contain Xi of unit of the 2 Xi between 8 different the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, 4 terpene kind compound of the 2 Xi between the much surprise the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem that head end joins and becomes. Be a kind not dissolve the pigment at water, in consist in plant and the bacterium that have photosynthesis, the effect of auxiliary pigment has in photosynthesis process. Natural kind carotene already discovered more than kinds 600, there basically is α in what exist in human body - carotene, β - carotene, lutein, corn is yellow red element of qualitative, tomato and β - concealed yellow element. The body before making an appointment with having kind of carotene of 10 % is vitamin A. Except can transform outside be vitamin A, kind carotene is fighting oxidation, adjust it is immunity, important to defer the respect such as consenescence to have action. Human body cannot oneself synthesis, vegetable, fruit is the good origin of kind of carotene.

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