qīng huà zhī fáng
氢化脂肪:(Hydrogenated Fat)通过加氢工艺,改变了熔点或熔解特性的油脂。
Weigh hydrogenated oil and fat. Chemically method makes vegetable oil medium a kind when the double key hydrogenation of not saturated fatty acid becomes saturated fatty acid and make special and adipose. Hydrogenation is adipose in content of not saturated fatty acid is little, melting point is elevatory, the liquid position that leaves by normal temperature turns into solid. Adjust the hydrogenation degree in grease, can produce the butterine of all sorts of types and mug-up. Some hydrogen sulfide are adipose contain the fatty acid that return form, have increase a heart and vessels disease, diabetic the risk that wait.
析因设计(Factorial Design)简介:指以多因素为研究对象,探求各因素的主效应和因素间的交互效应。...
关注 · 133磷脂酰肌醇(Phosphatidylinositol,Pi)简介:存在于生物膜中的一种磷酸甘油酯。...
关注 · 145植物油脂(Plant Oil)简介:指可食用的油,例如菜籽油、猪油。...
关注 · 67抗坏血酸氧化酶(Ascorbic Acid Oxi-Dase)简介:一种含铜的酶,存在于瓜类、种子、谷物和水果、蔬菜中。...
关注 · 103苹果酸(Malic Acid)简介:D-苹果酸、L-苹果酸和其混合物DL-苹果酸,为白色结晶体或结晶状粉末,有较强的吸湿性,易溶于水、乙醇,有特殊愉快的酸味。...
关注 · 155黄伞(Pnoliota Adipose)简介:黄颜色的伞。即黄罗伞盖。皇帝仪仗之一。...
关注 · 147氢化脂肪(Hydrogenated Fat)简介:通过加氢工艺,改变了熔点或熔解特性的油脂。...
关注 · 184支链氨基酸(Branch Chain Amino Acid,Bcaa)简介:三种常见氨基酸的统称。...
关注 · 89