lùn shuō wén
论说文:(argumentative treatise)以议论、述说为主要表达方式的一种文体。
The language of speaking is also used to promote science and truth, and to "make people understand, believe and act". In addition to "presenting facts and reasoning", there are also methods such as analogy, comparison and introduction. In addition to the methods and techniques of argumentation, there is also the problem of organization and structure.
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关注 · 117俭力(Frugal force)简介:节俭并勤于耕作。...
关注 · 69安全岛(safety island)简介:供行人穿过马路时躲避车辆的地方。...
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关注 · 88立学(Stand learn)简介:兴建学校。...
关注 · 55论说文(argumentative treatise)简介:以议论、述说为主要表达方式的一种文体。...
关注 · 81