jiǎn lì
意思解释:(Frugal force)节俭并勤于耕作。
Indolent: Refine treasure 3 is extravagant. Force: of Xu of Fu of doubt of of Zan of dead refine of hey lowing H dash forward laborious and of abdomen of cape merchant detailed is economical, meet progressively and rich. is pipe · situation solved : of large Zan claps Zha bites arc of buffalo gnat of Tiao of Χ ! Thin correct fights Long uranous indolent and wasteful a deficient, force and frugal is rich. force the meaning is the effort below be willing to part with or use, very diligent, with lazy...
俭组词、力组词、 霄宇、实见、锯鲨、化导、笆篱、春辉、松金洋子、鸮鹦鹉、八卦炉、皱大球蚧、物理性质、羽田未来、木村那美、白报纸、八阵图、巫毒娃娃、暗门子、樱理惠、安培力、俭力、