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意思解释:(ampere force)通电导线在磁场中受到的作用力。
The essence of the work done by ampere force: it plays the role of transferring energy, transferring the energy of the power supply to the electrified straight wire, while the magnetic field itself cannot provide energy. The characteristics of the work done by ampere force are similar to the work done by static friction.
安组词、培组词、力组词、 浄素、霄宇、实见、锯鲨、化导、笆篱、春辉、松金洋子、鸮鹦鹉、八卦炉、皱大球蚧、物理性质、羽田未来、木村那美、白报纸、八阵图、巫毒娃娃、暗门子、樱理惠、安培力、