luó hàn dòu
罗汉豆:(Momordica grosvenorii)俗称蚕豆,又名胡豆,冬季食用豆作物。
Momordica grosvenorii is the third most important winter edible soybean crop in the world. Momordica grosvenorii has a high nutritional value, and its protein content is 25% - 35%. Arhat beans are also rich in sugar, minerals, vitamins, calcium and iron. In addition, as a nitrogen fixing crop, momordica grosvenorii can transform the molecular nitrogen in nature into nitrogen compounds and increase the soil nitrogen content.
重念(Read aloud again)简介:犹再思。...
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关注 · 101安家费(family resettlement allowance)简介:按规定发给的供在新地方安置家庭的费用。...
关注 · 118罗汉豆(Momordica grosvenorii)简介:俗称蚕豆,又名胡豆,冬季食用豆作物。...
关注 · 191