lù lú jiàn
辘轳剑:(Windlass sword)秦始皇的佩剑,故名秦王剑。
The head of the windlass sword is decorated with jade. The treasured sword, which weighs a thousand pounds and is made of jade, cuts iron like mud. It is the longest and heaviest among the treasured swords and knives. Therefore, it is called the Backhand Sword. Some people also call it the King of Qin Sword.
言旋(Yan Xuan)简介:回还。言,语首助词。...
关注 · 119花台(Spend a stage)简介:种有花的台子。 指妓院。...
关注 · 142炳见(Bright see)简介:明察。...
关注 · 73乡地(Countryside ground)简介:故乡,家乡。 乡约与地保的并称。清代一乡之中,乡董或乡长以下设庄头、乡约、地保各一人,分管乡里杂务,皆为无俸役职。...
关注 · 120阑圈(Late circle)简介:养家畜的圈。...
关注 · 137浮冗(Float busyness)简介:亦作“浮宂”。 多馀。 指浮员,冗官。...
关注 · 182重念(Read aloud again)简介:犹再思。...
关注 · 178辘轳剑(Windlass sword)简介:秦始皇的佩剑,故名秦王剑。...
关注 · 98