shī zhòng
1、物体失去重量。是由于物体在高空中所受地心引力变小或由于物体向地球中心方向作加速运动而引起的。如升降机开始下降时的状态。 2、体在宇宙空间,由于失去地球引力的束缚,处于失重状态;飞机做特定的抛物线飞行时,亦出现短暂的失重。失重时体液由下肢向躯干和头部转移;体水、体钠、体钾排出增加;红细胞、血容量下降;肌肉萎缩、骨质丢失;食欲下降,物质代谢改变,影响蛋白质、能量和维生素的需要。调整能量、蛋白质或维生素的摄入量可减轻失重诱导的组织损失,有助于机体对失重环境的习服,减缓失重对机体的不良影响。经训练人和动物都可能习服较长时间的失重。
Body is in astrospace, manacle as a result of what lose earthly gravitational force, be in weightlessness condition; When the plane does specific parabola to fly, also appear brief weightlessness. When weightlessness humoral transfer to trunk and head by lower limbs; Eduction of Potassium of natrium of body water, body, body increases; Capacity of red blood cell, blood drops; Sweeny, bone is missing; Appetite drops, corporeal metabolization is changed, affect the need of protein, energy and vitamin. The intake that adjusts energy, protein or vitamin can reduce the constituent loss with revulsive weightlessness, conduce to airframe be being taken to the be used to of weightlessness environment, the bad influence of slow down weightlessness to airframe. Take longer weightlessness via training person and animal to review possibly.
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