mò jí
意思解释:(End disease)四肢的疾患。
四肢的疾病。《左传·昭公元年》: “风淫末疾。” 杜预注: “末, 四支也。”一说指头眩病。 见孔颖达疏引贾逵说。陈师道《寄曹州晁大夫》诗: “虚名不救饥肠厄, 晚岁仍遭末疾缠。”…
The disease of limb. fair the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of the left clear that pass · : ┘ of of amine reel silk from cocoons is ill! Thin by ぷ end, 4 also. say finger bewildered is ill. See Kong Ying is amounted to scanty bring Gu Kui to say. Chen Shidao doctor of a surname of the city that send Cao poetic: Tan1huan4 of target Shuo lights over sixty years of age of Mang of ⊥ of of ⒊ Χ Ying to grow of Bo ┘ arm! Thin
末组词、疾组词、 示范、宪府、回巧、拯援、主驾、彻贫、画道、盎司、音格、长世、画箭、死数、重代、约取、炀耀、忌惮、干戎、杏红、石矶、末疾、