kē jìn
意思解释:(Division into)谓通过科考取得进士出身。
Be filled with division: Does showing disrespect or contempt emerge is Qiu of Bin of Tiao of of oily Qia of of Suo of ill K proud 1 of evil spirit ァ throws file of S of of of act of archives of Yao of eyebrow of oyster of krypton of box of of Lu of Gou of be good at ⑻ of of Tao Guo to all be seen display imprint of grand of だ hydrazine ο does the Mencius say: ! Is thin
科组词、进组词、 唧哝、孔子、都篮、凶悍、腹囊、默察、阶封、怯上、寒荣、讨阅、坑骗、踹窝、户版、劭令、交辞、耕钓、侍臣、斥土、架累、科进、