kǒng zǐ
意思解释:(Confucius)(公元前551—前479) 中国春秋末期思想家、教育家、儒家创始人。名丘,字仲尼,鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜东南)人。幼年生活贫困。学无常师,相传曾问礼于老子。50岁时任鲁国司寇,摄行相事。后同学生周游列国,终不见用。晚年致力教育事业,传弟子有3000人,著名者72人。政治上主张“正名”,认为“君君、臣臣、父父、子子”,都应名实相副,以巩固等级名分和社会秩序。提倡德治教化,反对苛政。伦理思想上宣传“仁”。“仁”是符合等级制度的言行规范,又是维护家长制的精神支柱,是品德素养恭、宽、信、敏、惠的总称。教育思想上注重“学”与“思”的结合,提出“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”和“温故知新”。重视因材施教。现存《论语》集录孔子言行。
< renown > (before 551, before ideologist of 479) age evening, educationist, confucianist author. Renown grave, word intermediate Buddhist nun, rash state cornering city (today south Shandong Qu Fudong) person. Little poor and lowly, ever assumed small post, apprentice gets together to discourse on an academic subject after. Year 50, hold the post of Lu Sikou, still do not get annals. Errant the Song Dynasty, defend, the country such as neat, Hunan, neither gets put sb in a very important position. Old age is dedicated to education, have child 3000 people...
孔组词、子组词、 近道、穷厄、廉廉、侵黩、奥壤、汹歘、悉率、晴丝、鄙弃、十地、时点、步月、县久、的论、赎死、溶洞、自弭、摄护、唧哝、孔子、