
tián jìng jǐn biāo sài

田径锦标赛:(Track and Field Championships)国际田径联合会主办的国际性田径赛事。

1、男子:60米、400米、800米、1500米、3000米、60米跳栏、4 x 400米接力、跳高、撑竿跳高、跳远、三级跳远及推铅球,七项全能。
2、女子:60米、400米、800米、1500米、3000米、60米跳栏、4 x 400米接力、跳高、撑竿跳高、跳远、三级跳远及推铅球,五项全能。

The World Track and Field Championships, founded in 1983, is an international track and field event sponsored by the International Athletic Federation. It was originally held every four years. Since 1991, it has been changed to be held every two years.The 2023 Asian Track and Field Championships are planned to be held in Pattaya, Thailand, from July 12 to 16. Because the Intercontinental Championships have the "function" of impacting the tickets of the World Championships, it is very likely that the Asian Championships will be held successfully.

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