qīn hé lì
Weigh endophilicity. The affinity on poisonous manage points to some poison to have the capacity of alternative union to some organ of airframe, organization or specific cell. Be in with poison inside certain organ or organization preferential distributing, the poisonous effect with save up and special generation is concerned.
亲组词、和组词、力组词、 磷酸化、天冬酰胺、谷氨酸钠、有机砷杀菌剂、豆瓣酱、异亮氨酸、多肽链、厚乳、析因设计、磷脂酰肌醇、植物油脂、抗坏血酸氧化酶、苹果酸、黄伞、氢化脂肪、支链氨基酸、支链淀粉、山旮旯、亲和力、鱼油、