wú yè fēng shàn
无叶风扇:(Vaneless fan)一种没有扇叶的风扇。
1、无风叶风扇本是英国人詹姆士.戴森发明的,原来它被称为空气增倍机这款新发明比普遍电风扇降低了三分之一的能耗,更因为它抛弃了传统电风扇的叶片部件,创新了风扇的革型,使风扇变得更安全、更节能、更环保。 2、无叶风扇原理:无叶风扇的灵感源于空气叶片干手器。空气叶片干手器的原理是迫使空气经过一个小口来吹干手上的水,空气增倍器是让空气从一个1.0毫米宽、绕着圆环放大器转动的切口里吹出来。由于空气是被强制从这一圆圈里吹出来的,通过的空气量可增原先的15倍,它的时速可达到35公里。
The fan without blades was originally an Englishman James Dyson invented this new invention, which was originally called the air multiplier. This new invention has reduced the energy consumption by one third compared with the common electric fan, because it abandoned the blade parts of the traditional electric fan and innovated the fan's leather type, making the fan safer, more energy saving and more environmentally friendly.
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