shì pín diàn huà
视频电话:(visual telephone)利用电话线路实时传送人的语音和图像的一种通信方式。
Video telephone equipment is composed of telephone, camera and display screen. The video phone is used for calling just like the ordinary telephone; The function of the camera is to capture the images of our users and transmit them to the other party; The display screen receives the image signal of the other party and displays the image of the other party on the screen.
斜曛(Inclined dim glow of the setting sun)简介:黄昏,傍晚。 落日的馀辉。...
关注 · 130占验(Take test)简介:亦作“占譣”。 占卜的结果得到应验。...
关注 · 73楚钳(Hunan clamp)简介:见“楚人钳”。...
关注 · 86知津(Know ferry)简介:认识渡口。犹言识途。...
关注 · 200冲慎(Strong careful)简介:谦虚谨慎。...
关注 · 179批发价(trade price)简介:指厂家直接给予零售商的货物价格。...
关注 · 146视频电话(visual telephone)简介:利用电话线路实时传送人的语音和图像的一种通信方式。...
关注 · 84拔步床(Pullout bed)简介:中国传统家具中体型最大的一种床。...
关注 · 119