liù shèn
意思解释:(6 careful)谓国君所应谨慎的六事。《韩非子·外储说右上》:“申子曰:'慎而言也,人且知(和)女;慎而行也,人且随女。而有知见也,人且匿女;而无知也,人且意女。女有知也,人且臧女;女无知也,人且行女。故曰:惟无为可以规之。'”后以为立身处世的箴言。
Roll 79, unexpectedly: of hill Wang Danchuan of Cou of Zhu Ju unexpectedly hill king absurd) hair civilian is built order An Ling city, absurd abide goes, does somebody doing carriage Yang Sheng tongue-lashs: of exorcise of sigh of my key of of bead of pa of the that press an insect destructive of the roots of seedlings... catastrophe will come, why to stand 6 careful door. absurd ask: Be proud of the level ground other human skeleton answer: Ang is climbed shelter wake of of abundant ! Thin
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