zài zhōu
意思解释:(In the boat)《邓析子·无厚》:“同舟渡海,中流遇风,救患若一,所忧同也。”后因以“在舟”谓患难与共。
The source sees people in the same condition help each other . Call go through thick and thin together. anthology · Wang Can < give Wen Shuliang > poem : Unplug of of ┦ Bian all Shi mansion! of collapse ruthenium chart Yan Weishi in order to give person, have in Zhou Zhiyi, hardship is the same as also. ...
在组词、舟组词、 毁鬲、包乘、祖旧、忧悚、孤证、金扉、拂绰、立僵、习仪、寒啬、暒晏、宫宅、放郑、隳引、俭德、载质、遍野、滞血、浚泻、在舟、