sì jì
意思解释:(4 avoid)四种忌讳。宋曾巩《后耳目志》:“著书忌早,处事忌扰,立朝忌巧,居室忌好。作《四忌铭》,以致吾老。” 四种忌讳。宋王应麟《困学纪闻·评诗》:“邓志宏曰,诗有四忌:学白乐天者忌平易,学李长吉者忌奇僻,学李太白者忌怪诞,学举子诗者忌说功名。”
Ask the way must illicit circumstance. The fundamental condition that one avoid does not know the boy or girl friend that be searched and ask a question blindly. The custom that 2 avoid do not respect various places is used to and use name in disorder, should accomplish do in Rome as Rome does. If Hunan says to maid young of little younger sister , married woman says eldest sister or sister-in-law , and Guangzhou says to maid eldest sister ...
四组词、忌组词、 故作、宽明、贤业、采顾、仲雅、赠远、独丁、删落、差徭、瓮器、传赏、臆料、问断、高谈、放懈、退安、卑促、注入、欢慰、四忌、