
wǔ yún

意思解释:(5 cloud)青、白、赤、黑、黄五种云色。古人视云色占吉凶丰歉。五色瑞云。多作吉祥的征兆。指皇帝所在地。见“五云体”。指云英、云珠、云母、云液、云沙五种云母。据称按五季服用,能寿考乃至成仙。 五色瑞云。多作吉祥的征兆。 指皇帝所在地。




5 kinds of auspicious cloud. Piece secrete Lin Jiangxian (does smoke receive Hunan is Zhu Qiujiang static) : Drip Wei of N of shank of Li of  of plating of  of blain of  of Bo of  of technetium of barrier post stable attacks Tong of Jie of ノ of  at present! Shut settle or live in a strange place of of shank of Cheng of feign of far Α E year old does that know year old of foreword to move) : Wei of hairpin of  of  of  of K of bath of aluminous dice of dust  of full ㄅ  tastes an umbrella! ā of Ju of big and thick of garden of Qiao of hail planning rice!

