jīng jí
意思解释:(Bramble)荆:荆条,无刺;棘,酸枣,有刺。两者常丛生为从莽。也泛指丛生于山野间的带棘小灌木。 比喻奸佞小人。 比喻纷乱。
(The bush with 1) fascicular and aculeate generally refer to. is the left assist that pass · fair 14 years : Unplug hydroxide lays Quan of gizzard of Lao of go whoring of common of the Wu that be like army shows radon of Lao of go whoring of Jin common reed post pulls umbrella high mountain hangs down Mongolian oak is formic catch ! 2) compares involute condition or difficult unfavorable situation. Su Xun are 6 countries talked : Ammoniac ┧ bites Chu of of reins of Ji of miscellaneous humorous of of fourth ! Thin
荆组词、棘组词、 摔交、闭置、缴获、滞怀、重酪、名人名言、今日金价、北京时间校准、繁体字转换器、今日油价、bmi计算器、时间戳转换器、汉字转拼音、公积金贷款计算器、春节倒计时、高考倒计时、数字大写转换器、网络测速、美元兑人民币汇率、随机密码生成器