
jīng jí

意思解释:(Bramble)荆:荆条,无刺;棘,酸枣,有刺。两者常丛生为从莽。也泛指丛生于山野间的带棘小灌木。 比喻奸佞小人。 比喻纷乱。




(The bush with 1) fascicular and aculeate generally refer to. is the left assist that pass · fair 14 years : Unplug hydroxide lays Quan of gizzard of Lao of go whoring of common of the Wu that be like army shows radon of Lao of go whoring of Jin  common reed post pulls  umbrella   high mountain hangs down Mongolian oak is formic catch  ! 2) compares involute condition or difficult unfavorable situation. Su Xun are 6 countries talked : Ammoniac ┧  bites Chu of  of reins of Ji of miscellaneous humorous of  of  fourth  ! Thin

