
qī zú

意思解释:(7 a group of things with common features)亲族的统称。 指西汉时七个以外戚关系把持朝政的家族。




history does the Luzhong that write down · connect Zou Yang biographies : of  of the sandpiper that boil i is heavy) 7 a group of things with common features. Jing Ke pricks Qin Shi emperor to won't do, its a group of things with common features sit to be killed repeatedly. 7 a group of things with common features, have two kinds of views: (Does solution of market of Zuo of 1) a surname bring piece of Yan Yue: Eight well Dan  shows hunt  Gui Sha of  of  annulus hunt! : of concealed of2) Sima Zhensuo Eight well the surname of father, one also; tentativelies child, 2 also of; sister child, 3 also of; daughter child, 4 also...

