sì pèi
意思解释:(4 match)指颜渊、子思、曾参、孟轲。旧时以此四人配祀孔子庙。颜渊、子思居东,曾参、孟轲居西,通称四配。其始配之年:颜渊为三国魏齐王正始二年(见《三国志·魏志·三少帝纪》),曾参为唐睿宗太极元年(见《新唐书·礼乐志五》),孟轲为宋神宗元丰七年(见《宋史·神宗纪三》),子思为宋度宗咸淳三年(见《宋史·度宗纪》)。 明袁宏道戏称孔子为饮宗,祀为酒圣,以阮籍、陶潜、王绩、邵雍为配祀。其《觞政·八之祭》云:“凡饮必祭所始,礼也。今祀宣父为酒圣。夫无量不及乱,觞之祖也,是为饮宗。四配曰:阮嗣宗、陶彭泽、王无功、邵尧夫。”
Yan Yuan, Ceng Zi, child think of, Mencius. Old times deserves to offer sacrifices to Confucius temple with this 4 people. Yan Yuan (before 521, before 490) , year end rash compatriots. The name is answered, word child deep, confucius student. The moral integrity that Confucius praises him not vent one's anger on sb who's not to blame, not two passes , Its heart was not violated in March benevolence (Yong Ye of · of the analects of confucius ) . Early end, confucius pole Bei deeps sorrow. Hind by feudal ruler honour...
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