sān cái
意思解释:(3 ability)天、地、人。 三位齐名之才人。(1)指晋之潘滔、刘舆、裴邈。《晋书·刘舆传》:“时称越府有三才:潘滔大才,刘舆长才,裴邈清才。”(2)指北齐之温子升、邢子才、魏收。《北史·魏收传》:“﹝魏收﹞与济阴温子升、河间邢子才齐誉,世号三才。” 三种材料。
Make again 3 material . Day, ground, person. ② form, gas, magical. ③ person's facial frontal eminence, accuracy (nose) , land part (the lower end) of two cheekbone. Old times sees photograph person call of the person facial have 3 ability. Flood of ④ advance acting Pan (when weigh great gift) , Liu Yu (when say to grow ability) , Pei Miao (when ability weighing Qing Dynasty) 3 people. ...
三组词、才组词、 凡母、邃冲、夺宗、渊跃、京丘、斗虫、别纪、生资、荡然、钗裙、鼓凸、庸常、高位、泡茶、北荒、平乐、触处、吹灯、高厚、三才、