
hóu bái

意思解释:(Hou Bai)隋魏郡人,字君素,好学有捷才,性滑稽,善巧辩,好为诽谐杂说,着《旌异记》十五卷、《启颜录》十卷。见《隋书·侯白传》、《新唐书·艺文志三》。后因以为伶人善戏谑者之称。 伶人中善於戏谑者。




is Hou Bai of · of book of the Sui Dynasty passed carry: Quan wishs  Li wail と makes fun of  annals   of ox of Xian of firewood of в of aether of stand upright  says soul of    kills silk ribbon of  of Shu  dream to eat Liu of cut off from of goose of the uranous  that carry  just fat  of flesh of chapter of Xi of plating of rancorring ⅰ of fat  extensive region rancors: Fen of loose Pu of Ai of dizzy  of Kuo of large bamboo hat receives  of Pan of thin line of  of Piao of Pu of L of Lie  Pi to imprint it is in Bai Min, taste be about to enter person Hou Wenwei to son-in-law before, and have day.

