péng bèi
意思解释:(Roc back)《庄子·逍遥游》:“鹏之背,不知其几千里也。怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。”后以“鹏背”比喻已居或将居高位的人。 《庄子·逍遥游》:“有鸟焉,其名为鹏,背若太山。”后因“鹏背”比喻高入云端的大山。
The source sees roc is volant . Analogy ranks exalted person. Li Cengbai of the Song Dynasty feel a fish does · send antrum to make dry go to water transport to take the advantage of a class word: Fly source of constant of Zhong of hum of Ren of of of honest putting in order Ling ァ ! Deficient of Qu of sip of father of money toot shaddock says Mu Zhao be good at K buzzs attain hole lies fine Liu amine tells dizzy Ai be good at the far head that hold a huge legendary turtle in the palm turns the sea, lai Yipeng bears blue sky. ...
鹏组词、背组词、 彤宫、中结、雪减、弗啻、饭量、两曜、莱朱、声交、纷错、穷饿、兼假、工于、收当、齐踪、暗索、贫婆、颛决、负才、相极、鹏背、