
qīn yǔ

意思解释:(Close with)亲近交好。


亲: 亲近,偏爱。与: 授予,赞助。指上天无偏无私,总是援助善良和有道德的人。语出《老子》七九章:“有德司契,无德司彻。天道无亲,常与善人。”[例] 或曰:“~。”若伯夷、叔齐,可谓善人者非邪?(《史记·伯夷列传》)哥哥当…


Kiss: ∏ catchs of S of  of    to award, assistance. Show God is not had slant altruistic, always help goodness and the person that have morality. Language piece father 79 chapters: Big-eared of prison of Lan of L of a low bank of earth between fields of condition of filter of Bi of  of acyl of wine of dam instrument filter wishs excuse me of approach of  S Qian! Bao exemple] or say: Ah  ! Approach of capture of part of the day of  of octogenarian of Yi of ⑹ of copy of the  that compare Ban revive Le cuts(history biographies of the Bai Yi that write down · ) the elder brother is become...

