gōu téng
意思解释:(Hook cane)植物名。茜草科。常绿攀援状灌木,小枝四方形。叶对生,椭圆形。通常在叶腋处生有由花序柄变成的弯钩两枚,故名。中医学上以带钩的茎枝入药,以治眩晕头痛、小儿惊风、高血压等症。见明李时珍《本草纲目·草七·钩藤》。
Bush of account of Chang Lupan aid, axillary have power of 2 falcate inflorescence, friend name. Can enter Chinese traditional medicine, the effect that has clear hot smooth liver: (Bao Chai) call a person to bought ~ of a few money first, great fry a bowl, to him the mother had. (84 · 1086) ...
钩组词、藤组词、 果茶、赋役、机赏、制样、契密、曲赞、井井、候光、司掌、诃讥、同壤、劈面、推调、饬审、许嫁、文豹、待差、坎音、朝邑、钩藤、