sān jiǎ
意思解释:(3 armour)术数家用语。三甲为寿相之征。 自宋太平兴国八年始,进士殿试后分一甲、二甲、三甲三等,合称三甲。见《宋史·选举志一》。也指殿试的第三等。 甲午、甲辰、甲寅的合称。甲午(公元1894年)中日之战,清廷与日本签订辱国的《马关条约》;甲辰(公元1904年)日俄之战,日本夺取沙俄在东三省南部的控制权;甲寅(公元1914年)日德之战,日本夺取德国在山东的控制权。
< renown > Song Dai announces imperial examinations when the place, divide armour publish a list of successful applicants. Before one armour 3 are flower of eye of Number One Scholar, a list of names posted up, explore. Ming Qingke lifts an exam to still divide armour, but the first armour only 3 people, the 2nd armour says give one's previous experience of a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations , ...
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