sān duān
意思解释:(3 end)指文士之笔锋,武士之剑锋,辩士之舌锋。 犹三始。指正月初一。
The tongue of the pen end of article person, sharp edge end of the cavalier, argue person is carried. Jian Wendi of bridge of the Southern Dynasties is the tongue endowed with : of of reins of of of Xi of of Song of amine Ling ! Thin
三组词、端组词、 递述、臣朔、烹治、吐根、占日、规抚、引绪、孤豚、作东、玉姹、铦钩、马人、补衣、手生、行刑、旗牌、严阙、宝传、畏忌、三端、