
hǔ zǐ

意思解释:(Tiger child)小虎、乳虎。 喻勇健的男孩。 便壶。因形作伏虎状,故名。多以陶、瓷、漆或铜制作,汉代王室贵族亦有以玉为之者。汉、魏、南北朝古墓中常以虎子作为随葬品。




Young tiger. Ban Chaochuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty : Install locust to window ⒀ ǎ  is bad do not have ⒆ to imprint! Money land of another name for Jiangxi Province of chirp children's hair > ⅰ of which have diarrhoea! The  that spend  uses up の hut to use up ち a kind of apple to fry  2 child intense, , several years old each year... guest call on, breathe out show say: Right disease of ⒆ of  Song Yi!  of human skeleton of  of glutinous of  hail Quan;  of Ke of seal of  of ⒆ right unreal criticizes sb's faults frankly bad news ┘ steals Chu:

