dà jīng
意思解释:(Great classics)常道,常规。 唐宋国子监教课及进士考试经书,皆按经文长短,分大、中、小三级。唐以《礼记》、《春秋左氏传》为大经;宋以《诗》、《礼记》、《周礼》、《春秋左传》为大经。参阅《新唐书·选举志上》、《宋史·选举志一》。 宋徽宗崇信道教,以《黄帝内经》、《道德经》为大经,《庄子》、《列子》为小经。见宋吴曾《能改斋漫录·记事二》。
Constant path or changeless convention. is the left clear that pass · fair 15 years : of v/LIT an amphora-like jar of of Chuo of coat scar is ill! Thin be jealous of fragrant just of Jie of pregnant of of ぬ meal unripe, Xia Chang, autumn harvest, winter hides husband spring, this day of great classics of the path also. ② shows 6 classics are medium age . is · of The Book of Rites middle : Unplug ┨ illuminate annulus the face holds straightforward advice of Yan illuminate annulus of v/LIT an amphora-like jar! of our P ...
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