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意思解释:(Enjoy take leave)玩味词义。语本《易·系辞上》:“是故君子居则观其象而玩其辞,动则观其变而玩其占。”
Play W á N to be used at amuse oneself amuse oneself somebody who plays with fire will get burnt play poker etc. ② is used at dally with play tricks employ an artifice etc. ③ is used at cynical derelict etc. ④ is used at enjoy excessive attention to plaything saps the will antique etc. Long play a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] play be...
玩组词、辞组词、 囊贮、刷啦、径界、首秋、攻鼓、盛府、阴宅、夙念、跨度、露会、牡牝、介事、三亲、开方、孛散、兰州、墨策、客民、绍续、玩辞、