gōng gǔ
意思解释:(Attack beat)击鼓。古时击鼓祭祀土地神,以示告急。
Assault (with defend opposite) : Aluminium of the that bow with hands clasped to says raw meat or fish ~ of group of innovation of technology of Hui Qia issued another difficulty. Does ② censure; denounce: Barium of raw meat or fish of appropriate Cong brandish is contrary to Ω of brandish of dispatch n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor ~ of Yao of of plinth of hold a memorial ceremony for is nodded firstly, not as good as the others. Is ③ dedicated to studying; study (some kind of knowledge) : hind...
攻组词、鼓组词、 洞案、眼学、休盼、樊川、十国、罩衣、后祖、飞泉、宁泰、避慊、叭啦、光灵、谦悫、衔薪、虚左、囊贮、刷啦、径界、首秋、攻鼓、