péng dān
意思解释:(Peng Dan)彭祖与老聃的并称。传说二人均极长寿。
The source sees Peng of banker old man dies young . Dan, point to father, according to legend its life is extremely long. Hind with Peng Dan tenders state Shou Yaosheng is dead all visional. Jin Sunchu proof is the official belonged to on the west send Yu Zhiyang Hou Zunshi : Billows of Jiao of Dan of of wetting cherry of Bei of bay bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase is ill! Thin
彭组词、聃组词、 贤快、琐旅、居舍、揽跋、旒缀、陵墓、排斡、女夷、颊肌、食封、新式、走客、宾亲、出货、规补、朦瞽、匝栏、岱山、回金、彭聃、