suǒ lǚ
意思解释:(Trivial brigade)犹言他乡孤客。
Reside abroad is destitute. easy · brigade : Frame of ≡ of of Lu of a legendary venomous insect of of an ancient drinking vessel of abstruse alliance Ao! of Bi Rou king crab send brigade to install to get place, and for this the battle of cheap, be taken cause disaster, annals is poor and tired. does · of history of the Song Dynasty spend Zong Ji : Make Zi of dizzy Nai overstep one's authority rainwatering in puddles smooth with a rake. Thin
琐组词、旅组词、 勾刀、边歌、谒请、团栾、纥奚、蒙眇、劈雷、稻秫、扑灭、荐导、侵淫、弃恶、漕粟、丘兆、静搒、悬磬、狗屎、曲破、贤快、琐旅、