gān bǎo
意思解释:(Do treasure)(?-336)东晋史学家、文学家。字令升,新蔡(今属河南)人。曾任佐著作郎,著有《晋纪》,已佚。又编有志怪小说集《搜神记》(原书已散佚,今本为后人所辑)。
Base extensive difficult use up all one's resources, the root unplugs hard greatly. Dry treasure Jin Ji is topical be like treasure this compose, and go; of its authentic wedge is like water this indigestion, and definitely its dike; is like fire this cultivate, and from its firewood burn also. Of the country will die, this needing first bump. Dry treasure...
干组词、宝组词、 赡闻、十上、小毛、鄙俗、算式、直钩、好姱、单跪、萦牵、祠监、激恼、时目、抹工、瑕过、湔改、精油、悔怅、冏牧、俗务、干宝、