shí shàng
意思解释:(10 go up)谓多次上书言事。
The source sees Ji Zidiao is our . Describe official career hardship, meet with repeatedly cold reception. Tang Gao Zuo cry little government office of odd father Liang Jiu poetic: Basketry unoccupied place noise measures Bo to return couple W bribe to imprint! Green jade spills end of shrimp approach arc to cast < midge technetium is carried boil couple to receive fat of bang handkerchief Huan cherish does not have Jin Zhangyuan, 10 in the sky return. ...
十组词、上组词、 青句、赪蕊、包蒙、天畔、同母、傧笑、帏裳、驳屈、水案、还拜、宝璐、分窜、清族、列蛸、漫墙、利爱、壮烈、饭羹、赡闻、十上、